I know that people traditionally use the period before
Thanksgiving to express the things they are thankful for. I had to get through
Thanksgiving weekend first, but having done so I want to pause and reflect on
the many reasons I have to give thanks. The past year has been quite a journey,
much but not all of which I’ve shared with you on this blog.
- I am thankful that I can finally live freely and openly as myself, that I know longer have to hide or be ashamed of my identity. I am thankful for finally being able to look in the mirror and love the person I see.
- I am thankful for the many friends who have walked this journey with me. Some are old friends, others are newer. Each of you means more to me than words can ever express. You have sustained and strengthened me more than you may ever know.
- I am thankful for my parents, my children, and my siblings who have also supported me as I made this transition. As I listen to stories from others in the transgender community I hear so many of pain because they do not have that family support. What a powerful, life-giving difference it makes.
- I am thankful for my job and my co-workers. I feel so fortunate to work in a place that actively affirms and supports diversity, a place I look forward to going each morning. I am thankful to be engaged in work that supports the growth of positive community in my city and region.
- I am thankful for my dance community – most of whom fall under the category of friends as well. J I am thankful to have this second home, a place where I can express myself freely, creatively, without fear of failure or ridicule. I am thankful for the benefits dance has brought me physically, socially and emotionally.
- I am thankful for those in the LGBTQ+ community who have gone before me, whose lives and sufferings have made it possible for me to live as freely and openly as I am able to today. We still have much to strive for, but thank you to all who have worked so hard to reach the place we are at today.
- I am thankful to live in a community that by-and-large affirms diversity. In a country that has given free rein to hatred, fear and intolerance, I am thankful to live in a community that chooses to welcome everyone. We’re not perfect, but things could be a whole lot worse.
- I am thankful for my children. As they grow into adulthood I am proud of the people they are and who they are becoming. Their journeys have had many challenges as well, and through those challenges they have been shaped as beautiful, talented, amazing people who also affirm diversity and acceptance.
- I am thankful for life. I am thankful for each breath I take, for the opportunity to walk on this planet, to interact with others, to impact their lives in a positive way. Life is a precious gift that can be snatched from us so suddenly. I want to embrace each moment of it.
I can think of plenty of reasons to worry, to be anxious,
fearful, depressed and discouraged. Believe me, those moments come as well. But
I want to remember regularly the many reasons I have to give thanks, only some
of which I have listed here. They strengthen me in those times when the
darkness threatens to engulf me.
I hope that each of you also has reasons to give thanks, not
only in this Thanksgiving season but each and every day. May be stand together
and support one another as we face the challenges that lie ahead, knowing that
we are not alone.